Frequently asked questions
For what ship types can a value currently be indicated?
Currently our system can estimate values for the following ship types: Bulkers, Container Ships, Tankers, Gas Tankers, Chemical Tankers, Dry Cargo Ships, RoRo Ships, AHTS, Heavylifts, MPP’s.
How big is the WeselmannValue database?
The WeselmannValue database currently holds more than 40.000 vessels.
How can you ensure that the estimated value is accurate?
The accuracy of the value can never be guaranteed. There are however ways to indicate a certain reliability. We use a traffic-light system to indicate the certainty with which the value has been calculated. The system checks, besides others, for size of the peer group, currentness of data, variance and trustworthiness of sources. The traffic-light has 5 stages – from green to red and in addition explains what the reasons for the respective confidence score are. Currently, depending on the ship type, between 85% and 93% of vessels present with a green light.
How does WeselmannValue come up with the indicated values?
Our system utilizes a complex algorithm to estimate a vessels value. First, a peer group of similar ships is assembled. The ship size, age and quality of the building yard are some of the criteria being considered. Depending on the ship type, additional factors influence the composition of the peer group, i.e. ice class, gear and 14mt homogeneous load for container ships.
Who is behind WeselmannValue?
The WeselmannValue project was initiated by Ingenieurbüro Weselmann GmbH. Founded in 1947, Weselmann offers technical consultancy, services around shipping, including ship valuations, damage surveys, condition surveys, repair supervision and new building follow-up surveys for all ship types. Ingenieurbüro Weselmann as well as WeselmannValue are completely independent, objective and strictly confidential. There are no commercial ties to any broker or other third party whatsoever.
What is Assisted Valuation?
Assisted Valuation is a tool that can be activated after you have valued a ship via individual valuations. For a small fee, the systems results will be transferred to one of our experts who will then review the systems numbers. He will either agree with the system or give a modified value. A response will be sent to the designated email address within 3 working bank days.
What can WeselmannValue do besides indicating values for single ships?
Our core feature is the valuation of vessels by IMO number. We have however implemented a couple of features to facilitate larger requests as well as fictitious ones.
What is Fleet Valuation?
Fleet Valuation is the aggregated version of our Individual Valuations. You can create a portfolio and fill it with vessels of your choice. You can subsequently receive the values and graphs in a matter similar to Individual Valuations.
What is in store for the future?
We are currently developing tools to integrate charter rate and OPEX estimation into WeselmannValue. In the future we also want to implement a system to forecast charter rates.
Can WeselmannValue be viewed on tablets and smartphones?
Yes! WeselmannValue was designed with full portability in mind. Whether you are standing at the airport and want to check up on your latest fleet value development or need to check a potential investment during a meeting – WeselmannValue can be viewed on any portable device that is capable of running a current browser.
How far back can values be indicated?
We believe that the value of ships older than 20 years is too dependent on their current condition to make any claims regarding value estimation without physical inspection.